State Analysis and Thermal Changes of Dissolved Water in Decane, Dibutyl
Ether, 3-Decanone and Methyl Decanoate as Determined by FT IR Spectroscopy

Kyo TAKAOKA*, Koichi KOBAYASHI, Masashi TAKAHASHI and Mototaka SONE

Department of Energy Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Musashi Institute of Technology;
1-28-1 Tamazutsumi, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 158-8557 Japan
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Musashi Institute
of Technology; 1-28-1 Tamazutumi, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 158-8557 Japan

The state of dissolved water in hydrophobic organic compounds such as decane (DAN), dibutyl ether (DBE), 3-decanone (DON) and methyl decanoate (MD) were studied by FT IR spectroscopy at 20 °C, and examination was also made of the temperature dependence of this water in such solvents.
In DAN, the state of dissolved water was essentially that of water vapor.
In DBE, most of the dissolved water formed large clusters through hydrogen bond between ether groups and water molecules.
In DON, the dissolved water consisted of cluster I (dimer-trimer mixture), II due to hydrogen bond between ketonic group and water molecule, and III of liquid water.
In MD, this water was comprised of clusters I, II and III.
The cluster I in dissolved water were vaporized at 40 °C to 80 °C, large clusters II and III in dissolved water gradually split into smaller cluster with increasing temperature, though some still remainded.

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