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「持続可能な社会のための触媒作用」 ―次代を担う若手―中堅研究者によるRSC-CSJシンポジウム― "Catalysis for Sustainable Society" |
日本化学会 国際交流委員会
実施日: 2010年7月15~16日
場 所: 英国王立化学会, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J 0BA, UK
日本化学会と英国王立化学会(Royal Society of Chemistry)は、両国の交流の一層の促進を図るため、環境に負荷がかからない化学プロセスの開発と持続可能な循環型社会の構築に資する化学技術をめざした新しい科学技術体系、すなわちグリーンサステイナブルケミストリー(GSC)の分野で過去2回のシンポジウムを開催して参りました。(第1回目は日本、第2回目を英国で開催)
今回、日英触媒シンポジウム" Catalysis for a Sustainable World"が新装になったロンドンの英国王立化学会(RSC)のBurlington
HouseのThe Chemistry Centreで7月15日、16日の2日間開催されます。詳細はRSCのホームページおよびプログラムをご覧ください。
Date: July 15-16, 2010
Venue: RSC: Royal Society of Chemistry, London, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J 0BA, UK
In order to enhance the relationship between the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Chemical Society of Japan, as well as between Japan and the United Kingdom, two symposia have been held to develop new chemical processes with minimal environmental impact and technology for a sustainable society. The first Green Sustainable Chemistry Symposium was held in Japan, and the second was held in the UK.
In this context this year both societies agreed to hold a symposium “Catalysis
for Sustainable Society” in London, inviting early- and mid-career scientists
from both nations. Seven young chemists from Japan will be sent, and the
Executive Director from CSJ will be sent to interact with society members
and to learn more about management at the RSC. Furthermore, a poster session
is scheduled for students of both countries in order to foster young talent.
We believe this symposium of young and mid-career scientists, through development of sustainable energy, biomass, and green catalysis, will contribute to attaining a sustainable way of life for humanity as well as enhance relations between researchers of these two nations.
社団法人 日本化学会 〒101-8307 東京都千代田区神田駿河台1-5 Tel: 03-3292-6161 Fax: 03-3292-6318 |