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"Kagaku-to Kogyou" (Chemistry and Chemical Industry) Commentary
- Vol.66(2013)iPDFÅj
- Vol.65(2012)iPDFÅj
- Vol.64(2011)
Vol. | No. | Title | Author Name |
64 |
12 | The new Course of Study and chemical education in high schools | Shigeru MURATA (Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo)
11 | 21st century energy paradigm shifts | Tetsunari IIDA (Executive Director, Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies)
10 | Passport to an international career -True globalism | Maki KAWAI
(Professor at Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo; RIKEN) |
9 | To all students: Graduate school is an investment in the future! | Hiroaki SUGA (Professor, Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo) |
8 | The International Year of Chemistry and challenges in chemistry | Yasuhiro IWASAWA (Innovation Research Center for Fuel Cells, The University of Electro-Communications) |
7 | How Japanfs chemical industry can overtake the world | Takeo KIKKAWA
(Professor, Graduate School of Commerce and Management, Hitotsubashi University) |
6 | Send young peopleg outsideh! Why international exchange is important | Kiyoshi KUROKAWA (Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies / Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo) |
5 | Preparedness and required emergency measures in the face of the unprecedented
Great East Japan Earthquake | Yoshinori YAMAMOTO (Center Director, Advanced Institute for Materials Research (WPI-AIMR), Tohoku University) |
What I expect from young researchers: Train yourselves to write competent proposals | Hisashi YAMAMOTO
(Professor at The University of Chicago) |
4 |
The role and characteristics of chemistry in the age of sustainability:
The International Year of Chemistry and Japanfs new Science and Technology Basic | Tateo ARIMOTO (Director General, Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society, Japan Science and Technology Agency) |
3 | A 32% increase in Grants-in-Aid for scientifi c research!@The importance of basic research has been recognized!? | Kazuhito HASHIMOTO (Professor, Graduate School, The University of Tokyo) |
2 | Science and technology policies should depart fromg Ri Ri Yusenh@utilitarianism | Goro KOIDE (Science journalist) |
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Achieving a science and technology budget of high quality:gAction Plansh andg Platformsh | Kimikazu IWASE (Deputy Director General for Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan) |
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- Vol.63 (2010)
Vol. | No. | Title | Author Name |
63 |
12 |
Studentsf ability to fi nd employment and university education | Mutsuhiro ARINOBU (Comptroller at The University of Tokyo and former Advisor at Toshiba Corporation) |
11 |
Has the spirit of gender equality successfully increased the percentage of female
researchers?-Obstacles to achieving a higher percentage of female faculty member- | Maki KAWAI (Professor at Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Executive Director at RIKEN, Editorial writer at the Chemical Society of Japan) |
10 |
Science and Technology Research and Education in Japan - A View from U. S. A. | Iwao OJIMA (Distinguished Professor, State University of New York at Stony Brook) |
9 | Letfs talk more about chemistryFthe Haber and Bosch story | Atsuko TSUJI (Editorial writer at The Asahi Shimbun) |
8 | Academiafs role in preparing for the future of Japanfs chemical industry | Kazuhito HASHIMOTO (Professor at the School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo) |
7 | 400 years of the Ashio Copper Mine-Recommendation for preservation of industrial heritage and tourism for visiting ruins- | Goro KOIDE (Science Journalist) |
6 | From quantity to quality: Changing the strategy of Japan and its science and
technology | Kimikazu IWASE (Deputy Director General for Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan) |
5 | Giving cautions against hasty anti-global warming measures
?Scientists bear grave responsibility | Makoto MISONO (Professor Emeritus at the University of Tokyo / President of Japan Union of Chemical Science and Technology) |
Shift in the center of scientifi c research activities to Asia and the Asian Research
Area scheme | Tateo ARIMOTO (Director General, Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society, Japan Science and Technology Agency) |
4 | A call for eff ective science policies in an era where Japan has the third-highest GDP
in the world | Shunichi FUKUZUMI (Professor at the Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University) |
3 | The internationalization of chemistry: What strategy should Japan take? | Hisashi YAMAMOTO (Professor at the University of Chicago) |
2 |
Contribution to the global water issues by Japanese science & technology |
Sadayuki SAKAKIBARA (Representative Director, President, CEO and COO, Toray Industries, Inc.) |
1 |
Promotion of science & technology with culture as its foundation |
Hiroyuki ABÉ (Professor Emeritus at Tohoku University / Former Executive Member of the Council for Science and Technology Policy) |
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- Vol.62 (2009)
Vol. | No. | Title | Author Name |
62 |
12 |
Unstable educational administration: Problems
implied in the national achievement test system
and the teacher certification renewal system |
Takashi ITO (Professor Emeritus at Yokohama National University) |
11 |
Close collaboration among our predecessors in academia \ Transcending sectoral boundaries | Shiro ISHII iProfessor Emeritus, the University of Tokyo; Senior Advisor, Research Center for Science Systems, Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciencej |
10 |
Human resources development through collaboration between industry and academia | Isaburo FUKAWA iCorporate Advisor, Asahi Kasei Corporationj |
9 |
Three viewpoints for the reform of the
competitive research funding system |
Tateo ARIMOTO (Director General, Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society, Japan Science and
Technology Agency) |
8 |
What exactly was the strategic focus on graduate schools? |
Yukiko MOTOMURA (Journalist, Science and Environment News Depertment, THE MAINICHI NEWSPAPERS) |
7 |
The University of Tokyo - the only winner? Institutional expenses and the allocation of competitive funding |
Maki KAWAI (Professor, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, the University of Tokyo Chief Scientist, Advanced Science Institute, RIKEN) |
6 |
Why we need to enhance scientific and technological research and development |
Ryoji NOYORI (President of RIKEN and University Professor of Nagoya University) |
Human resources development - a challenge for society |
Eiichi NAKAMURA (Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo) |
5 |
Expectations of the expanding role of regulatory science for chemical substances |
Tatsuo GOTO (Advisor, Daicel Chemical Industries, Ltd.) |
4 |
Eliminate gaps in the distribution of academic
information |
Teruto OHTA (Executive Director of The Chemical Society of Japan) |
3 |
Overcoming ang allergyh to internationalization |
Shunichi FUKUZUMI (Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University) |
2 |
Chemistry-oriented transformation of Japanese industry |
Hiroyuki ITAMI (Professor, Specialist Graduate School of Management of Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science) |
1 |
Review on the four primary priority areas\ Separation between science and technology, interdisciplinary approach/fusion of areas, and importance of organizations \ |
Tateo ARIMOTO iJapan Science and Technology Agencyj |
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